The James River Arts & 文化区于2011年由林奇堡市议会根据《十大正规赌博平台大全》建立. 该计划包括商业激励和经济发展办公室批准的该地区产生的娱乐税的年度拨款 & 旅游业通过申请程序来支持计划、活动和项目. 

Please contact Mauresa Nenadovich at with questions. 

Learn More

Where is the District?

The District geographically includes the Central Business District, 第五街,从杰斐逊街到泰勒街,包括老城公墓, Legacy Museum and Madison House for the Arts; Rivermont Avenue from 5th Street to Bedford Avenue; the Pierce Street Renaissance Historic District; and properties that include Point of Honor.

Find out if you are located inside the James River Arts & Culture District


How can I apply?

Thank you for your interest in the James River Arts and Culture Grant. 我们正在加强这个项目,以更好地服务我们的申请人. 我们将尽快提供有关该计划重新开放的最新信息.


Program Guidelines

Guidelines for the Arts & Cultural District Program are intended to attract citizens, 希望在艺术领域创造和执行项目的组织和财团 & Cultural District to benefit the welfare of the citizens of Lynchburg. The term “project” may include events, activities, capital investments, promotions, improvements, 展览或类似的活动,以促进本地区的艺术及文化发展. Guidelines include but are not limited to:

Please review the full Program Guidelines HERE

  • Project funds are for arts- and culture-related projects only;
  • Projects must show an estimated economic impact, 如果项目是公共艺术性质的,请显示预计的公众访问,并在选定的地点为艺术品提出理由;
  • Projects must demonstrate a public and cultural benefit; 
  • Applicants must demonstrate familiarity with arts & 区内的文化团体、艺术家及/或其他有关团体;
  • 申请人必须表现出与组织和个人的合作,并优先与地区内的选区合作;
  • Projects that have secured match funding will be prioritized; 
  • 项目资金只能用于申请的特定项目或活动, and cannot be used for organizations’ routine operating expenses;
  • Projects must take place within the Arts & Cultural District – see the District map above.
  • 已获资助3年以上的项目,如无重大项目创新或变更,不得再次申请资助; 
  • Projects that do not already receive other forms of City support, including City sponsorship, will be given priority.
  • Certain projects that utilize public space or City streets require permitting from the City of Lynchburg; it is the responsibility of grant applicants to determine these requirements. To learn more about Special Events permits, please visit

  • Applicants should review the James River Arts and Culture Vision Plan developed by the arts & 文化区内非营利组织在提交申请前.

Required Documentation

所有必需的文件将通过在线申请提交. Please be prepared to submit the required documentation below: 

  • Submit signed W-9
  • 根据提示完成一份估计的经济影响报告(上传JPEG/PNG到在线应用程序) 
  • Project budget worksheet 
  • If awarded, the applicant will sign and complete a Disbursement Agreement
  • After the event takes place, 获奖者必须在项目完成后90天内完成并提交最终报告. The Office of Economic Development & Tourism will send out the Final Report Form to awarded applicants. 

Eligible Applicants

Any citizen of Lynchburg, non-profit organization within city limits, or any consortium of organizations within the City is eligible to apply. 虽然申请人不需要是林奇堡的公民或位于城市范围内, priority will be given to these applicants. Funds cannot be used for projects for which a single entity or individual profits directly; this is not applicable to projects in which proceeds are donated or there is no intent for profit generation.

Eligible Use of Project Funds

Funds are only for projects within the geographic boundaries of the Arts & Cultural District (see map above). 资金可用于为具体项目撬动其他资金来源, 但仅用于支付与申请人要求资助的项目直接相关的费用. 基金不得用于支付组织的日常运作费用, 或用于项目或事件的附带费用,如人事费用, dues, planning expenses, etc.

Other Program Eligibility Information

  • All projects must start before December 31, 2024. 
  • 在拨款发放之前,了解林奇堡市所有的税收情况
  • Funds are for arts- and culture-related projects only
Application Review Process

申请将由地区利益相关者和其他商业及社区领袖组成的指定小组审核. Program recipients will be selected based on the merits of their project, the program guidelines, collaboration with the James River Arts & Culture District Vision Plan, and thorough completion of the application. The City of Lynchburg Office of Economic Development & Tourism will utilize the recommendations of the review committee, 但在所有情况下,将保留对授予的资助金额的唯一决定权.

The Advisory Committee Panel Members include: 

  • TBD – Non-profit member within the James River Arts & Culture District 
  • Tracey Langseth, Riverviews Artspace 
  • Ursula Bryan, University of Lynchburg Art Department 
  • Christina Davis, Artist
  • Dennis Marcinik, General Manager 
  • TBD – Member at Large 

The application review process will take approximately 6 weeks.

Program Fund Terms and Amounts

The maximum award is $10,000. 多个机构或个人可分别为同一项目申请资助. 授予的金额将基于项目指南中描述的标准, including but not limited to the scope of the project, the greatest public benefit, the greatest economic impact, collaboration, and the percentage of total project funding.  

Project Fund Administration

资金接受者将被要求签署一份计划支出协议,其中可能包括对已授予支出的审计. 获奖者将被要求承认林奇堡市和詹姆斯河艺术 & Cultural District in all promotional materials. 所有申请者必须提供一份针对资助项目的最终报告. 所有最终报告必须完成并交回林奇堡经济发展办公室 & Tourism no later than 45 days after completion of the project. 其他信息在奖励通知和项目支付协议中提供. All projects should start by December 31st, 2024, and be completed within 12 months of the award notification date.

Amusement Tax

任何收取活动或事件入场费的企业或组织应按入场费总额征收7%的税. 由城市法规规定的入场费,由艺术领域的合格艺术组织收取 & Cultural District are redistributed through the Arts & 文化区计划,以促进和推广该地区,并改善美学或基础设施. In order to be eligible for project funds, 各组织应与税务局局长联系,以确定是否需要缴纳纽约市的娱乐税,并索取必要的汇款表格,这些表格应在下个月的20日或之前缴纳. Learn more at

Past Project Gallery

Amazement Square Chalk Festival 

Endstation Theater Company

The Listening Concert Series

Jaylin Randolph Show Love Music Video

Riverviews Artspace

Lynchburg Symphony Orchestra

Wolfbane Production Company

Academy Center of the Arts Mural